HND in Business Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
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HND in Business Entrepreneurship and HND Small Business Management (Full-Time and Part-Time)
Monthly Payment Plan Available
Course Fee Per Year: £2,990
Study while you work
Monthly Direct Debit Payment Plan: £279 upfront fee and £279 x 24 months (Starting from Month 1 to Month 24 inclusive).
Firstly, we know starting a business is a dream of many. So for many budding entrepreneurs, the vision of being your own boss, running a company with your own personal standards and making money out of your passion is perfectly possible with the right bank of knowledge behind you. Consequently, this is why we designed the BTEC HND (Higher National Diploma) in Business Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.
We wanted to lay a solid foundation of skills to build your small business on. Furthermore, you will explore how to spot a gap in the market then turn it into a financial opportunity. Similarly, you will also learn how to take successful risks while being on your guard against potential barriers. So, by the time you finish the HND in Business we will have trained you to think, act and work like a successful entrepreneur.
Most importantly, this course is accredited by Pearson Education. It is equivalent in level to the first two years of a degree. This means that should you wish to, upon completing the HND you then have the option of diving straight into the third year of university to top up your HND and thereby gain a full degree.
So, while studying online is undoubtedly becoming increasingly popular as technology moves on, the online course market is growing. Undoubtedly, here at the College of Contract Management, we strive to bring you all the advantages of distance learning without leaving behind the benefits of traditional classroom teaching.
Your Pathway
Often, people who take the HND in Business Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management are nascent entrepreneurs themselves. So, you may be champing at the bit to open your first business as soon as you finish or you may be more interested in getting the top-up degree year under your belt too. There are many places this HND could take you to and here are just a few careers that you could consider:
- Small Business Manager
- Small Business Owner
- Business Development Manager
- Risk Manager
- Business Analyst
- Business Adviser
Key Benefits
1. A Flexible Course that Works Around You
Primarily, we focus on practical solutions for those who have commitments outside of study. And, for many people, attending in-person classes set to a regimented timetable is not doable. Most importantly, it is these people we most endeavour to accommodate. To conclude, the College of Contract Management is the ideal place for you to study if your schedule doesn’t allow for traditional study.
If you are currently working:
Juggling a full-time job with studying for extra qualifications can be a lot to take on. However, our course allows you to do so with minimal disruption to your routine. By being able to attend our live-online lectures at weekends, or catch up with them when you can, you don’t have to worry about taking time off work or loss of income.
If you don’t want to travel:
Whether you have responsibilities at home, commitments on your time or travel limitations, travelling to lectures is often a bugbear. However, with our live online lectures there will be no need for you to travel whilst you study for your HND in Business. All you need is a computer and somewhere comfortable to take your classes.
If you reside overseas:
The fact is, limitations of Tier 4 Student Visas mean that it is often difficult for overseas students to study in the UK. Unfortunately, this type of Visa restricts the number of hours you are allowed to work alongside your studies, making studying in the UK financially impracticable for many.
However, with the College of Contract Management’s live online lectures, you can study for your HND in Business Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management from your home country. This flexibility of the programme means that you can gain a desirable and genuine UK qualification without the expensive Visa process or disrupting your schedule, regardless of the time difference.
2. Technology Brings the Classroom to You
Whereas many universities are offering online courses consisting of a weekly email and a suggested reading list of heavy-going books, we decided to use online learning to its full potential. Consequently, we do this by using teaching methods that may not be available in a traditional classroom but can be more engaging and effective than one. These include live video presentations, smart boards and shared screens. In addition, you can ask your lecturer questions at any time during a live lecture, by either speaking or writing to them.
Unlike many courses where you end up trawling through notes to help write your assignments, you can simply re-watch your lectures on Moodle. Also, you won’t be the only person in the class and you can add fellow learners as friends on Moodle.
3. Real University Lecturers Deliver a High Standard of Teaching
While we can’t anticipate whether online learning will ever quite match up to traditional universities, we can promise to deliver the highest quality of online courses possible. Subsequently, this is why we only hire experienced lecturers with skills that specially suit the course, so you’ll receive as high a standard of teaching as their university students.
And, if you top-up your online HND in Business from the College of Contract Management with a third year at university, the industry will view your degree as roughly equal to a standard degree. Similarly, employers are looking for skills and experience, where you get them from doesn’t make a difference. Moreover, studying online gives you the time to gain crucial work experience which combined with the HND in Business will propel you higher up the career ladder.
Furthermore, we are proud to be accredited with Pearson Education, whose guidelines we followed to the letter when creating this course in order to ensure it met their leading standards.
4. An Economically Favourable Option
Most importantly, our courses online means we don’t need to pay for the upkeep and staff that a traditional college or university does. Also, this enables us to offer you courses for a considerably lower cost; this plus the time you’ll have available to work makes studying online significantly economically favourable.
Course Content
Course Structure
Now, the HND in Business Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management is made up of two parts.
Part 1: BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate (HNC).
Part 2: BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma (HND)
Now, for each unit you complete, you’ll be rewarded with a certain amount of credits. Importantly, you are required to earn 120 credits in total to achieve your HNC and a further 120 to receive your HND. This also equates to a minimum of 8 units at Level 4 and 7 units at Level 5, given that one core Level 5 module is worth 30 credits.
Level 4 Core Modules
Unit 1: Business & Business Environment (15 credits)
Unit 2: Marketing Processes and Planning (15 credits)
Unit 3: Human Resource Management (15 credits)
Unit 4: Management and Leadership (15 credits)
Unit 5: Accounting Principles (15 credits)
Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project (15 credits)
Unit 7: Business Law (15 credits)
Unit 8: Innovation and Commercialisation (15 credits)
Unit 13: Human Capital Management (15 credits)
Level 5 Core Modules
Unit 19: Research Project (Pearson Set) (30 credits)
Unit 20: Organisational Behaviour (15 credits)
Unit 27: Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities (15 credits)
Unit 28: Launching a New Venture (15 credits)
Unit 29: Managing and Running a Small Business (15 credits)
Level 5 Optional Modules
In addition to the 5 compulsory units you will study in your level 5 qualification, you are also required to study 2 further additional units. Allowing you to tailor your learning to best suit your needs.
The units available are from the Business Management and Business Law pathways. You are required to pick one unit from each pathway.
Business Law:
Unit 38: Law of Contract and Tort (15 credits)
Unit 39: Company Law and Corporate Governance (15 credits)
Unit 40: Consumer and Intellectual Property Law (15 credits)
Business Management:
Unit 24: Understanding and Leading Change (15 credits)
Unit 25: Global Business Environment (15 credits)
Unit 26: Principles of Operations Management (15 credits)
Additionally, you will be set one assignment per module in order to pass that unit. All details of these will be available on Moodle and you can discuss them with your tutors. Furthermore, these assignments are written pieces and to be submitted online. Consequently, your final grade will be an amalgamation of all your assignments because there is no final exam.
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements
Most importantly, for us to consider your application for the HND course you must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be a fluent English speaker. Overseas students for whom English is not their mother-tongue will need to provide evidence that their English is good enough to keep up with the course. This can be any one of the following:
- IELTS 5.5, with a minimum of 5.5 in both Reading and Writing
- CEFR level B2
- PTE 51
- Or approved equivalent.
Pearson Qualifications
Pearson qualifications are highly respected across the globe. Moreover, they are a leading assessment body in the UK. Therefore, UK Russell Group universities including Oxford and Cambridge regularly accept Pearson qualifications in their admissions process. Also, Pearson is industry focused with emphasis on its course providers (including the College of Contract Management) teaching vocational and transferable skills which students can take directly into employment or further education.
Course Delivery
Easy-to-Use Online Hub
The College of Contract Management uses a virtual study platform called Moodle. Consequently, this will be the hub of your online HND. You will use Moodle to access your live lecture invitations, timetable, source materials, friends, forums, groups and messages. We advise you to follow the live lectures every weekend. However this is not mandatory, you can catch up at your convenience or in your spare time.
Realistic Timetable
You are invited to attend 1-2 lectures per week. Furthermore, these are held at weekends, usually Saturday or Sunday evenings. Each lecture is 2 hours long, however the number of total lectures varies. Moreover, you will be given a lecture schedule before each module starts to help your plan your time.
We strongly advise you to supplement your guided learning with personal study. Furthermore, this could include wider reading, practicing the skills you’ve learned so far, revising and summarising your notes or discussing topics with your fellow students.
Engaging Teaching
Importantly, our live online lecturers use similar teaching methods to those they do in university classrooms. You can also take notes during the lesson, take part in group discussions and examine case studies.
You can rewatch the lectures at any time.
Manageable Assessments
Finally, towards the end of your module we will email you an assignment. From here, you will have a few weeks to complete the assignment and send it back to us to be marked. The assignments are written essays. There is no need to travel for exams. However, should you not pass your assignments, you will have chances to retake.
Period of Study
Period of Study
You have the option to study the HND in Business full-time or part-time.
Part 1: BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate (HNC).
Full-time: Year 1
Part-time: Years 1 and 2
Part 2: BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma (HND)
Full-time: Year 2
Part-time: Years 3 and 4
Course Fees
In conclusion, the fee for this course is £2,990 per year, so £5,980 in total.
Furthermore, we have two payment options to make payment as easy as possible for you.
Firstly, you can either pay a one-off payment. Alternatively, you can split the cost over 2 years via a monthly direct debit.
Monthly Direct Debit Payment Plan: £279 upfront fee and £279 x 24 months (Starting from Month 1 to Month 24 inclusive). Please note that it does work out cheaper to pay in full.
We accept all major credit and debit cards. Alternatively, we can provide account details for banks transfer and cheques should be made payable to The College of Contract Management.
How to Apply
Most importantly, to apply to study for your BTEC Level 5 HND in Business Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management with the College of Contract Management please follow these steps…
- Firstly, call or email our UK team to ask any questions and discuss your eligibility for the course.
Telephone: 01420 481 681
Telephone (International): +44 1420 481 681
- Next, you will receive an application form via email. Please fill it in thoroughly and return it. We recommend you keep a copy.
- Send photos or copies of your documents, such as a CV, ID or IELTS certificate. These documents must be valid. Most importantly, we do a webcam identity and validity check before we release your diploma.
- Let us know which payment method you will be using and consequently we will generate an invoice and send it to you.
- Finally, once your payment has been received, we will enrol you on course and give you access to your Moodle account so you can prepare and begin.